Noah is a priest who is also running for the position of president, which is tantamount to king of the west. He affronts himself as a pure and religious man, and the head of the church of Eve, a dedicated religion. He has many followers and leverages this to gain more voters, however, on the inside he is actually a very evil man, bent on gaining power to exploit it and help the tyrant king, Garaiya. Noah, although he is a priest, he himself does not believe in God until he sees Gabriel become the God of Death through his own intellect and science. Later when the Creator makes an appearance it melts Noah’s brain, officially making him go insane. Noah follows the Creators will devoutly and attempts to destroy the world as the Creator wanted. Noah used his position as President to launch a flurry of missiles made by Reagan Tech (Roy’s Company) at the polar ice caps which are located at the north and south poles of Verth. The missiles melt all the ice creating a giant flood on the level of Genesis, and this is just one of the many factors which lead to the apocalyptic event known as ‘The Enlightenment”